Thursday, 17 December 2015

Welch girl - Ellen Virginia

Ellen was born in 1890 and live for 70 years until 1960. This is how she would have liked it. Nice and tidy. My mother told me stories of her. She was a force to behold. During the second world war, certain things were rationed and to make this fair the butcher would hold a raffle each week to see who the lucky person was that would be allowed to purchase the butter. The story goes that each week, when it was butter day, she would dressed in her Sunday best, stride into town and wait for her name to be called. It was always her name and she always had butter. Who knows it the butcher really liked her. Who knows. She was the first person to get divorced in the family. She certainly was not the last. She remarried either once or twice after the first one. She had at least one daughter. Her name was Violet and she was quite a character, Elegant yes, but still quite a character. She kept a boyfriend in the wings for beneficial sex, but , would not let him live with her. When I was about 17, I went with Aunty Glorie, her daughter Meryl and Violet to see Jaws. We went back to Violets flat where we had anchovy toast. She live on the edge of Hillbrow opposite to the Catholic church. Here are some photos of her.

Everyone tried on the uniform

Glorievienna (46) , Ellen(66), Violet(40) in 1956 at George and Rosemary's wedding

Here is a letter she wrote... handwriting  shocking
How are you all keeping
we are all fine this
Whee are you & Max
coming down to see us
?  ?  coming down 
in the July holiday.
It would be so nice seeing
for we'd afraid, Aublier
Edill is back and would clay
we late - a good girl ??
after lalef  of Colledge a
sec abhl. Thins also lines
are so hard only pennies
keeps and Edell is clecearse
a good scharf which is
a great help. Well Mary
must close. Gord going to
town. Will post letter for me
           Love to you all
           Your proew Aunt

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