With all of the asking around I raised the ire of the Booyens clan as a whole.
Snippy emails were received from great children of the peoples who's photos I shared, asking as to how I had the photos. I think they felt that stalking was once more being practiced. This stalking was extreme as it was inter-generational and caused photos to be taken in the 1800. I know no bounds when tracking down relatives.
It turns out that Henrietta's father was a bit of a rebel and married his 5 daughters off to English men. The surnames collected by these girls included, Ward, Gray, Welch, Cole, Churchill and Mathews. There is a whole blog about the family. Click here and have a read. It is extremely interesting. The Booyens are from good Viking stock.
Her name on her father's death notice is Hendrina Susanna, I gave this great consideration as to whether we needed to change her name to Hendrina. I thought about it for a while and realized that she was Hendrietta Welch for about 3 times as long as she was Hendrina Booyens. So she will stay Henrietta.
Finding this information has had a great tie in for me. Firstly we have photos of Ann Ward. She looked awfully chummy with my grandmother. Well mystery solved,
they were cousins. I also found Ann's wedding photo. I now need to see which of the other photos are of cousins. Once again I am suffering from Jessie's lack of documentation. It seems so silly to think that one should add names to Photo albums, especially as we have brains that are flooded with memories when we look at the pictures contained in them. The problem arises when other people are trying to make sense of our lives through the medium of photos that document our lives.
The second portion is that although Henrietta had tried to become totally English: she changed her name and her love of reading. She still had it ingrained in her to name her children after family members. We have Robert after James'
grandfather. Then James after his father. The solving of the mystery came with Weston Mathews, I always thought the Mathews was strange as surely it should have been Mathew, but no, it is Mathews as this is the surname of her youngest sister's second husband. Now I just need to solve the puzzle as to where the name Weston came from. I seem to recall the surname Weston somewhere along my sleuthing.
Hope you all have a wonderful day and just think this may have been written in a different language if our great great grandfather was not so full of it.
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