Monday, 25 January 2016

The Spraggs have been found

I have been trying to find family for my husband's mother. She was Stella Otto. Her father was Hermanus Otto and her mother Stella Spraggs. The Otto's were easy to find and before I knew it I had a line of Ottos going back to 1452 when Endres Otto was born in Germany. The tree at this point was quite lopsided with so many relatives being on one side and none on the other side.
I had researched as far as I could and had a basic record of all the people who were named Spraggs who lived in South Africa, as well as the Aunts that I had met.

I was doing my normal thing of googling people when all else has failed, when there it was a YouTube video containing all the names that I have been looking for. Being cheeky I emailed the person who had loaded the video. What a delight. The mystery was solved with one quirky statement. Rich Spraggs told me that his grandfather said that he never grew hair on his ankles as his father had worn chains in Australia. Well there we have it, I had been looking for relatives on all the wrong continents.

I have found so many wonderful characters in my husbands line. This is the answer to why he has such a marvelous brain. The genetics are there for the viewing. I was able to follow the line back to 1760. There are English and Irish in the mix. The only thing my husband was a miffed about was that the only criminals we could find were an Irish lass who stole serviettes and the man she married who were sent to Australia  for being drunk and stealing an umbrella in front of a police man.

These are not harsh underworld characters. These are ancestors to be proud of. These people would cause you to have an interesting brain. I still need to find pictures of this pair.

Until later, I must just send out a further thank you to Rich and his mother for all the valuable information they have given me.

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